LinkedIn is getting ready to do a major migration to the new profile view (which has been plagued with bugs), so to protect your data, please do these two things:

1) Print the FULL VIEW of your profile including images and text. Do to this > go into your edit profile page > select VIEW AS (CONNECTION) > right click > print.
2) Download an archive of everything in your profile > directions follow.
Accessing Your Account Data (click here for the page)
You can initiate a download of your LinkedIn data from your Privacy & Settings page. For more details on what data is included in each archive, see the table below.
To request a download of your data:
- Move your cursor over your profile photo at the top right of your homepage and select Privacy & Settings.
- Select the Account tab at the top of the page. Under Basics, click Change next to Getting an archive of your data.
- You may be prompted to sign in.
- This will take you to the Request your data archive page.
Within minutes, you'll receive an email with a link where you can download certain categories of personal information we have for you, including your messages, connections, and contacts. This is information that's fastest to compile.
Within 24 hours, we'll send you a second email with a link where you can download your full archive, including your activity and account history.
Important notes:
- You should only download your data from a personal computer and not a public computer.
- This feature is currently not available on mobile.
- You'll only receive the categories of information that are applicable to your account and activities on LinkedIn. For example, if you don't have certifications listed on your profile, you won't receive a Certifications file.
- If you close your account, you will no longer have access to your LinkedIn information from our site. For more information, you can check out what happens after you close your account.
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